Keeping the Fun in Pictures | Roseville Family Photographer

“We begin to find and become ourselves when we notice how we are already found, already truly, entirely, wildly, messily, marvelously who we were born to be. “

-Anne Lamott

I truly believe play is such an important part of keeping photo sessions fun and engaging and enjoyable. Gone are the days where everyone is expected to stay still for all the photos and it is painful for all those who are involved. Thank goodness, right?!?!? I love when kids can forget that they dreaded getting pictures taken because they are so distracted by the fun they are having! This little guy was on the go so much that we just went with the flow and I chased him a good amount of time….and that is totally okay with me, because that is his personality and we still got photos that bring joy and show who he is and who this family is!


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