Roseville Family Photographer | A Session Full of Laughing And Playing

“Indeed, nothing is more critically connected to happiness—both our own and that of our children—than how well we love and support one another within the family.”

-M. Russell Ballard

Oh my goodness. This family was so much fun to photograph. I don’t think I stopped laughing….I mean, how can you expect a session to be serious when you bring along a dog and you have four kids? Having four kids myself, I know for a fact there is definitely not a dull moment ever! This family brought so much energy and it felt like we were just playing the whole time. I love these types of sessions.

This is such a busy phase of life-when you have multiple kids running around and lots is going on at the same time all the time. It can feel chaotic and stressful and overwhelming, but then there are little glimpses that show that things are going to be okay, that your kids are growing up to be kind and thoughtful of others, that family is what matters most. Those are the moments to hold onto. Those are the moments that give you the strength to keep going and to keep having hope.

Even though life is strange right now with the pandemic and the shelter at home order, it can be such a blessing as well. It is giving us precious time with our children. It is forcing us to slow down and focus on the things that matter. Believe me, I know that the days can seem long and feel like a roller coaster mentally and emotionally, but there are still moments of bright spots that will get us through.


Roseville Lifestyle Photographer | A Beautiful Fall Evening With This Family


Sacramento Lifestyle Family Photographer | Another Year With This Fantastic Family